

2022 | Nominated for Architecture Prize-Housing, Arhitectura.6 Romania
2022 | Nominated for Architecture Prize-Object Design, Arhitectura.6 Romania
2017 | Locker room and club building, Zürich, Switzerland with BollhalderEberle
2016 | Multifunctional hall, Aigle, Switzerland with RXG
2015 | Municipal works yard, Bulach, Switzerland with RXG 6 rang
2015 | Indoor pool, Le Locle, Switzerland with RXG 5 rang
2015 | Student housing, Lausanne, Switzerland with RXG
2014 | Student of the year Romania Special Prize
2014 | Electrolux competition
2014 | City signaling, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2014 | Archmedium competition, Spain
2013 | Kochtas Istanbul, Turkey 4 rang
2012 | Inspired, Lead, Romania 8 rang
2011 | Inspired, Light house, Romania 4 rang
2011 | Arhetipuri:The world of street vendors Semifinalist
2009 | National architecture student competiton, Romania Finalist


2013 | Igloo 03, Inspired competition
2013 | Arhitext 01, Masshouse in Istanbul, Turke
2012 | Arhitectura1906 02, Masshouse in Cluj-Napoca
2012 | Arhitext 03, Office building
2011 | Arhitext 05, Masshouse in Cluj-Napoca
2011 | Arhiforum 08, The world of street vendors
2011 | Arhitext 03, Light House
